Think Academy’s Christmas Math Worksheets: Grade 1

Holiday-themed math questions to help boost your child’s math proficiency
Christmas is in just a few days and what better way to keep your children’s math skills sharp over the holidays than to download Think Academy’s fun, festive, and free Christmas Calculation Countdown worksheets! These worksheets contain 21 days worth of addition and subtraction problems that will have your little mathematician coming back from break strong and ready to succeed.
Each day, they will complete 20 different questions that will help enhance their arithmetic abilities. The first few days consist of easier and more basic problems to get their brains warmed up. With each passing day, the questions become more challenging and the numbers that they add and subtract become larger. After only three weeks time, your children will be solving problems that contain three different numbers!
Download All 21 Christmas Math Worksheets
In addition to the Christmas math worksheets, here are a few tips on how to complete them with your child.
For the kids who finish the worksheets quickly
If you see your child breezing through these worksheet exercises in a matter of minutes, awesome! Knowing that your child is a math expert at this level is definitely a great feeling. However, this is an indication that they are ready to take their understanding of the material to the next level.
For starters, have them complete the problem step-by-step and make sure that they are showing their work along the way. This will help them develop the processing and organization skills that are key to succeeding at higher math levels.
In addition, you can also have your child play the role of the teacher and have them verbally walkthrough how they solved the question. Allowing them to practice explaining their thought process and reasoning will only further deepen their understanding of these math concepts.
For the kids who need a little bit of help
On the other hand, if you see your child struggling with some of the questions, no worries! Math is definitely a difficult subject to master and every individual’s learning curve is different.
One piece of advice would be to have them set up the problem and work it out until they arrive at the part where they are stuck. Before giving them the answer, have them take a few educated guesses that could guide them in the right direction. On top of that, re-explaining the addition and subtraction functions will also allow them to grasp the concepts more quickly. Positive encouragement is especially key to helping your child conquer a challenging math question!
Lastly, make sure to celebrate when they get a problem correct! Remember, these Christmas worksheets are a fun and holiday spirited activity to improve your child’s math skills.
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