Best Back to School Tips for Elementary Students

Published On: August 25, 2021Categories: School ZoneTags:
Back to school

A list of five helpful and easy-to-do tasks to prepare your child for back to school season

For parents and children, the new school year is either just underway or right around the corner. The beginning of the year is always a crucial time for young students as they are presented with the task of adjusting to a new classroom, classmates, teachers, and so forth. If children do not start off on the right foot, it can be hard for them to catch up. However, there are many strategies that parents can implement to ensure that this school year will be awesome! In this article, we will cover five different actions that parents can take to make their child’s back to school season go smoothly. 

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Sync Up With Their Teachers

Right before or right after the school year begins, it is always a good idea to get in contact with your child’s teachers. Ensuring that the two parties are on the same page in regards to the learning objectives and class schedule are important for knowing what to expect throughout the year. 

A simple one-hour conversation is also a great opportunity to get to know the teacher and connect with them on a personal level. Furthermore, it gives you a chance to talk to the teachers about any weaknesses that your child may have so that they can focus on improving them in the coming months. 

Lastly, make sure to keep in touch with them as the year goes on. Being open minded, honest, and overall a friendly face will encourage them to reach out to you first and provide you with updates on your child’s learning progress. The old saying is that it takes a village to raise a student. A few of the most important members of that village are the child’s parents and teachers! 

Provide Your Child With a Study Area or Room 

A nice quiet study space or room is super helpful for keeping your little one focused and eager to complete their homework assignments. Creating designated areas for eating, playing, and studying are especially great for helping younger children stay on task. In addition, the study space does not have to be an entire room. If you do not have an extra room in your house, no worries! A corner of their bedroom dedicated to finishing homework is more than enough. 

Furthermore, it is also a good idea to have your child decorate their study space to make it fun. For example, on the wall you can hang past projects that were successful or high scores on tests. Mementos such as these will keep their drive to learn high and inspire them to do even better on future tests and projects! 

Get in the Habit of Using a Planner 

One of the biggest factors to ensuring that your child starts off the new school year on the right foot is by getting them in the habit of using a planner. Planners are incredibly useful for writing down daily or even weekly schedules. In addition, students can jot down when their upcoming homework assignments are due. 

The importance of planners increases as students make their way towards upper elementary and middle school. A higher grade level only means an increase in homework load which presents more opportunities for missing assignments, tests, and projects. 

A good ritual that your child can get into is writing down a general plan for the week and which assignments they intend to complete each day. Having this structure solidified early on in the year will allow them to settle into their new grade, classes, and teachers more easily. Remember, in a hectic school year, routines are great for keeping children’s minds at ease! 

Set Up Goals and Rewards

On top of planning, setting up goals is also crucial for consistent success throughout the new school year. The goals do not have to be complicated or set up to cover the entire year. They can be as simple as “learning how to spell 20 new words this week” or “solve 20 arithmetic problems in 60 seconds.” 

In addition to goals, rewards are an excellent way to motivate young students to do their best from day one. The rewards and reward system can be personalized in any way that you believe is suitable. A few common themes include ideas such as “read x amount of books to receive reward” or “earn x score on a test to receive reward.”

Be Their Number One Supporter 

The new school year can certainly make a child nervous as it is a time of uncertainty and unknowns. As a parent it is essential to be there for them and assist them with any potential problems that may surface. 

In addition, as a whole it is so incredibly crucial to support your child throughout their learning journey. Providing them with positive feedback and words of encouragement can make a huge difference in their confidence levels. 

For example, if they get stuck on a homework problem, try and guide them through it! Even if you yourself are not particularly good at the subject. There are many resources out there on the internet and YouTube that can help both you and your child work through a tough question. Furthermore, simply being there for them emotionally will go a long way in terms of boosting their mental health. 

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