James Ma: Think Academy Teacher Profile

Published On: February 12, 2021Categories: Think StoriesTags:

With the combination of an open mind and humorous attitude, James Ma has seen success blossom out of his math students

Meet James Ma, another one of Think Academy’s hard working and passionate educators! Our instructors spend countless hours creating and perfecting their course curriculums. They want to make sure that the content that is being presented to the students is of the highest quality. Today, we are going to talk about all of James’ accomplishments as both a student and teacher. 

Educational Background

James graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League research institution located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While at the University of Pennsylvania, he received a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Education. As you can already tell, James is deeply devoted to the educational field and educating students! 

In addition, James also has a strong background in math. During his educational journey, he won first prize in the Hua Cup Math Competition that was held in China. The combined interests of math competitions and teaching has made James a perfect fit at Think Academy! 

As a Think Academy Teacher 

In 2020, James had a ton of success teaching students in his AMC 8 prep class. His class had one grade one student get awarded the Achievement Roll and one grade three student rank first in the Math League among state. Furthermore, James had two of his grade three students and one grade four student earn perfect scores in the Math Kangaroo competition. 

While teaching, James likes to be humorous and allow the kids to have fun while learning new math material. He believes that math class should be enjoyable and laughing while learning is always an encouraging sight to see. 

In addition, James also aims to keep an open mind while educating his students. Enlightening the class with knowledge so that they can develop into successful math experts as well is obviously a teacher’s priority. However, being open to the students’ feedback and their point of view is just as important. 

Lastly, James strives to empower his kids and help them foster an interest in math. Being a good math student and math competitor is one piece of the puzzle. But encouraging students to both be good at math and passionate about the subject and learning process is the end goal for James. 

Classes James Teaches

Currently, James teaches many different classes at Think Academy! A few of the courses include the grade five summer session for both the ACE and Mastery level. James is also one of the level two February Basic Math instructors and one of the main teachers for our long-term and AMC 8 prep classes. If you would like to enroll your child in one of the courses that James teaches. You can easily do so by clicking on the link here.

1-on-1 Evaluation

As a final note, before you register for our long-term courses. Make sure to register for Think Academy’s free 1-on-1 evaluation if you have not already! Our 1-on-1 evaluation contains an overview of our mission and academic structure, a 15-question evaluation exam, a one hour in-depth analysis, and a 15-minute teacher-to-parent discussion. After the evaluation, a customized study plan will be provided so that all of your child’s learning needs are met!

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