Why Summer Is the Best Time for Your Child to Get Ahead in Math

Published On: June 14, 2024Categories: Math LearningTags: , ,

As the school year winds down and summer approaches, many parents are focused on planning vacations and recreational activities for their children. However, summer is also an excellent opportunity for elementary and middle school students to get ahead in their studies, especially in math. Summer learning not only helps prevent the “summer slide,” where students may lose knowledge and skills gained during the school year, but it also allows for improved focus on challenging subjects without the pressure of a full school day.

By solidifying, enhancing, and advancing their understanding of key concepts in mathematics during the summer break, your child can return to school with a head start, setting them up for success and boosting their confidence. Here’s how Think Academy has been helping thousands of students to utilize summertime for the best. Follow these 3 steps to supercharge your child’s summer math learning experience:

Step 1: Claim Your Free Calculation Drills Workbook (G1-G8)

Get Started with Essential Practice

At the heart of math lies calculation. Mastery in calculation is crucial because it is the foundation for more complex math skills. Two key aspects are:

  1. Accuracy: Ensuring that calculations are correct is fundamental. Inaccurate calculations can lead to incorrect answers and misunderstandings of math concepts.
  2. Speed: Performing calculations quickly helps students tackle more problems within a given time, which is particularly useful during tests and exams.

How to Use the Calculation Drills Spanning Hundreds of Pages Per Grade

  1. 1 Page Per Day: Encourage your child to spend a little time each day working on the calculation exercises. Consistent, daily practice is more effective than cramming all at once.
  2. Track Progress: Keep a record of your child’s performance to monitor improvement. Celebrate their successes to keep them motivated. Each chapter is followed up with a chart.
  3. Stay Positive: Math can be challenging, but with the right attitude and support, your child can overcome any difficulties. Praise their efforts and resilience.

Download the Calculation Drills Now

You’ll find the download link in the confirmation message after submitting the form.

Step 2: Take a Free MAP Assessment (G3-G7)

Discover Your Child’s Level

Understanding your child’s current academic standing is essential for effective learning. To achieve this, we encourage students to participate in the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment. This comprehensive test identifies strengths and areas for improvement, enabling effective planning of their academic journey. It also assesses if they are learning ahead, which can benefit future college applications.

What Is the MAP test?

MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is a computer-adaptive test tailored to each student’s level, effectively assessing their abilities. Available for K-12 students, it provides a detailed report comparing their performance with peers nationwide.

Why Take it?

  • Personalizes Learning: Adapts to each student’s level to provide the most accurate and tailored assessments
  • Measures Growth: Tracks academic progress over time, not just at a single point.
  • Sets Goals: Check on the student’s current level, know the gap of learning ahead, and set a goal of filling the learning gap.
  • Benchmarks Performance: help in understanding how well the students are performing relative to their same-grade peers nationwide

How to Participate

1. Add the WhatsApp or WeChat contact below and pay a $1 exam fee.

2. Take the exam within a week! We offer MAP assessments in three subjects: Math, Language, and Reading.

Elementary School (G3-G5) WhatsApp

Elementary School (G3-G5) WeChat ThinkVIP165

Middle School (G6-G7) WhatsApp

Middle School (G6-G7) WeChat ThinkVip34

What Will You See in the MAP Report?

The report includes an overall student assessment for Math/Reading/Language, as well as specific details indicating mastered skills and areas needing improvement.

Additionally, students above Grade 6 receive SAT/ACT predictions based on their Math and Reading scores.

MAP Report Example: Overall Student Assessment for Mathematics
MAP Report Example: Specific Details for Improvement


Step 3: Receive Personalized 1-on-1 Deep Report Analysis

Once your child has completed the MAP assessment, our team of educational experts will analyze the results. We will provide a detailed, one-on-one analysis of their performance and recommend a personalized summer study plan. This tailored approach will ensure that your child focuses on the areas that need the most attention, helping them achieve significant progress over the summer.

Summer is not just a time for relaxation but also an opportunity to invest in your child’s future success. By focusing on math and improving calculation skills, your child can build a strong foundation that will benefit them in the coming school year and beyond. Take advantage of our calculation exercises, MAP assessment, and report analysis to help your child gain the confidence and skills they need to excel in math. Let’s make this summer a season of growth and achievement in mathematics!

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