All About 2023 AMC 10: Your Ultimate Guide to Top FAQs

Published On: September 6, 2023Categories: Math CompetitionsTags:

As one of the most challenging high school-level math competitions in the US, the AMC 10 will take place in November 2023, following its annual tradition. This article will thoroughly explore AMC 10 in 2023, providing insights into the exam’s structure, difficulty, past results, and preparation guidance.

What is AMC 10? 

Full Name: American Mathematics Competitions 10

Organizer: Mathematical Association of America (MAA), the largest global community of math enthusiasts, scholars, and students. MAA’s mission is to advance people’s understanding of the world by demonstrating how math influences society and shapes our existence.

Purpose: AMC 10 serves as a challenging platform for young math enthusiasts to showcase their mathematical skills and knowledge.

Eligibility: Students who are in grade 10 or below and are under 17.5 years of age on the day of the contest are eligible to participate.

Exam Format: The exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions to be answered within a 75-minute time limit, averaging approximately 3 minutes per question. These questions are categorized into three levels of difficulty: easy (questions 1-10), medium (questions 11-17), and challenging (questions 18-25).

Exam Sections: AMC 10A and AMC 10B. Both sections cover the same mathematical topics, including algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and number theory. However, the specific questions and their distribution across these topics may vary between the two exams.

Topics Covered: The AMC 10 assesses mathematical concepts typically associated with grades 9 and 10. These include elementary algebra, fundamental geometry principles (such as the Pythagorean Theorem and area/volume formulas), basic number theory, and introductory probability.

What is the difference between AMC 10A and 10B?

These two versions of AMC 10 have different competition dates, and each version has a distinct set of questions, although the two examinations are designed to be equal in difficulty and distribution of topics. Consequently, it is often recommended for students to participate in both the AMC 10A and 10B to increase their opportunities for success

What are the important dates of 2023 AMC 10?

2023 AMC 10/12  Timeline

AMC 10 exam preparation usually kicks off about six months before the test date, which starts in May of the same year since the exam traditionally falls in November. During this preparation period, students typically follow a structured approach, working through a sequence of must-do problems, easily mistaken problems, and final problems to best prepare for the test. Stay tuned to this article for a detailed breakdown of the structured exam preparation process.

Early registration for the AMC 10 2023 has opened on August 18 for both AMC 10 A and B, while the late registration deadline is set to 5 days before the respective competition dates. It’s worth noting that the registration fee becomes more expensive the longer you wait, so be sure to secure your spot as soon as possible if you’re interested!

In 2023, AMC 10 A is scheduled for November 8, and AMC 10 B is set for November 14. Typically, scores are released approximately three weeks after each exam.

To register for the 2023 AMC 10 at a Think Academy Test Center (Cupertino, Fremont, Bellevue, or Manhattan), please visit the AMC 10 page on the Think Academy website.

What are the AMC 10 cut-off scores?

2020-2022 AMC 10 Cut-off Scores

In 2022, the AMC 10 examination underwent notable changes, leading to an increase in the percentage of AIME cutoff scores, from approximately 2.5% (Honor Roll) to around 8%. One plausible explanation for this shift is an escalation in the overall difficulty of the AMC 10 exam over recent years, as evidenced by a decline in the average score from the spring of 2021 to the fall of the same year, as illustrated in the picture above.

For cut-off scores of other AMC exams, click here.

What is the scoring system of AMC 10?

The AMC 10 Exams each feature 25 questions with a time limit of 75 minutes.

The maximum score is 150 points:

  • Each correct answer earns 6 points.
  • Each incorrect answer earns 0 points.
  • Each answer left blank earns 1.5 points.

Even though there is no penalty for guessing, it’s important to note that leaving an answer unanswered earns 1.5 points. Given this, a strategic approach for students aiming to optimize their final score is to refrain from answering questions they are unsure about. Instead, students should channel their efforts toward questions they are confident in solving and strive to minimize mistakes.

What is a good AMC 10 score?

A good score is determined by the competition’s objectives. From the table above, we can see that the cut-off scores for AIME in 2022 are lower than AMC DHR and even HR. The AIME cut-off score merely represents qualification for participating in AIME and may not be considered “good enough.” This is because eligibility for the next stage of the competition, USA(J)MO, is determined by both the AMC 10/12 and AIME scores, using the following formula:

USA(J)MO Index = AMC 10/12 score + 10 * AIME score

To have a relatively high probability of qualifying for USA(J)MO, this index needs to exceed 210.

Therefore, when the goal is AIME qualification, reaching the AIME cut-off score on the AMC 10/12 can be considered a good score. However, when the goal is USA(J)MO, aiming for HR or even DHR on the AMC 10/12 becomes necessary.

For 2022 AMC 10 insights, please refer to this article.

How to Prepare for AMC 10?

Due to the notably challenging nature of the AMC 10 exams, embarking on the preparation journey well in advance is very important for students. Initiating studies early allows you to establish a systematic and thorough exam preparation process, ensuring that you have ample time to comprehensively cover all the topics encompassed by the AMC 10 exam.

In the long term, students are encouraged to broaden their knowledge beyond their standard coursework, with a specific emphasis on addressing their weaker areas in mathematics during summer vacations, particularly the summer before their dedicated exam year. This strategic approach aids students in laying a solid foundation, enabling them to excel in the intense six-month sprint leading up to the AMC 10 exam.

To prepare for AMC 8 effectively in the short term, students should create a clear timeline and adhere to a structured four-step process.

Step 1: Try Mock Exams – April 

The AMC 10 exams typically take place in November every year. To prepare effectively, we recommend that students begin taking mock exams approximately six months prior to the actual exam date, starting in April. From our experience, it is advisable to complete at least three mock exams within this period, ideally in April, June, and August. These mock exams serve a crucial role in assessing students’ current knowledge levels and enabling them to become familiar with the test’s format and difficulty, which will be advantageous for their future study.

It’s important to note that even though many AMC 10 candidates have already taken the AMC 8, and both exams share a similar format with 25 questions, they cover distinct knowledge areas. Furthermore, the AMC 10 is notably more challenging than the AMC 8. Consequently, the diligent completion of mock exams by students, considering both quality and quantity of the mock exams, can significantly enhance their familiarity and readiness, thereby ultimately contributing to their success during the actual AMC 10 examination.

Step 2: Mastering the Must-Do Problems – May to June

Because of the high difficulty of AMC 10 problems and the policy of zero points for incorrect answers as mentioned in the last section, all candidates must prioritize solving the initial 10 problems in the AMC 10 exam. Completing these first 10 questions guarantees a score of 82.5 points (by answering 10 questions correctly and not attempting the remaining 15). It’s worth noting that the cutoff for the 2022 AIME was only 93/94.5 points, highlighting the critical significance of these initial questions. As such, the foremost and most pivotal step towards achieving success is to excel in mastering these essential first ten questions!

In each step of the exam preparation period, students are strongly advised to establish a systematic plan structured around the knowledge modules of the AMC 10. Particular emphasis should be placed on addressing any identified weaknesses from mock exams to effectively fortify their skill set. 

Step 3: Consolidating Easily Mistaken Problems- July to August 

If mastering the must-do problems is the foundation for success, then not losing points on easily mistaken questions is the key to achieving AIME qualification. Starting from question 11, the problems gradually become more complex, and candidates are more likely to make calculation errors, or struggle to find a breakthrough in problem-solving, leading to lost points on questions you should have gotten right, and missing the awards. Therefore, studying these questions carefully before the exam is one of the most effective ways to prepare.

Step 4: Sprinting for the Final Problems – September to October

The last five questions, renowned for their difficulty, are often strategically skipped by many candidates. However, for those aiming for Honor Roll (HR), Distinguished Honor Roll (DHR) or USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO – one of the highest levels of math competitions for high school students), maintaining an advantage in these high-difficulty problems becomes crucial. Successfully solving these challenging questions can enhance the overall tolerance for errors in the exam. Even if candidates make careless mistakes in the earlier basic questions, their ability to tackle the most demanding problems provides a chance to earn awards and distinguish themselves. 

2023 AMC 10 Prep at Think Academy

Think Academy offers AMC 10 Prep courses and resources. To access past official exam problems and solutions, take mock exams online, and stay updated on upcoming AMC 10 prep courses delivered by Think Academy's top math competition teachers, please visit the Think Academy AMC 10 page

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